I had to dig deep
Mothers living apart from their children often find themselves isolated and their stories sidelined. I had to dig deep places their stories right at its core, where they can be seen and heard on their own terms.
Over lockdown, many of us had more time to reflect, not always for the better. Having to mask mounting feelings of lonliness and seclusion, we learned a lot. Stepping back from normal life brought new insights, strengths and an opportunity to better prioritise what helps us.
This book explores humanity through individual experiences during a global pandemic. It is about now and it is about always. Lockdown has brought the world closer to our orbit. As people across the world have experienced separation from loved ones perhaps this is a moment to show and act upon a collective empathy for those who already know about isolation and separation.
This book could have been a hundred pages. We share here a snapshot of the words and ideas shared with us. We were locked down. We used what we could – text. Whatsapp, phone calls, Zoom, email, Teams, paper, envelopes and stamps. We reached out, we connected and we learned.
Link to our Mothers Apart Common Threads Collective page